# Badger SVG badges for things that [Shields](https://shields.io/) and [Badgen](https://badgen.net/) don't provide. ## Badges ### `codecov-folder` Displays the code coverage from CodeCov for a folder within a Github repo. e.g - https://badger.nokome.now.sh/codecov-folder/stencila/encoda/src/codecs/docx ![](https://badger.nokome.now.sh/codecov-folder/stencila/encoda/src/codecs/docx) - https://badger.nokome.now.sh/codecov-folder/stencila/encoda/src/codecs/xlsx ![](https://badger.nokome.now.sh/codecov-folder/stencila/encoda/src/codecs/xlsx) ## Development and deployment To start a development environment locally which replicates the production environment: ```bash npx now dev ``` For a staging deployment: ```bash npx now ``` For production deployment: ```bash npx now --target production ``` If pushing or merging to the default branch, your project will be deployed and aliased in a production environment, automatically. ## Acknowledgements - https://www.npmjs.com/package/badgen - https://zeit.co/now